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Transferable License for Schools: Middle and High School Sequential Health

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Teen health at it's best! This resource includes programs for four different consecutive grade levels of Health. This Health program is designed for school districts who want a comprehensive middle through high school Health program; and also for the teacher who teaches Health to both middle and high school.


For over 10 years, our expert-designed curriculum has set the standard in Health and PE Education. Proven, up-to-date, and impactful, it remains the top choice for educators dedicated to elevating their programs.



This digital download product, is editable in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint for print and online on Google Drive.



Click here for a sample preview of this product.



★ We offer two types of licenses for Health Education Today: the "Transferable License" and the "Single User Non-Transferable License."


★ This "Transferable License" product is intended to be assigned to one teacher at a time, but it is transferable to accommodate yearly staff changes. In situations involving teacher turnover, extended leave, or other special cases, this license can be reassigned to another teacher. The flexibility of this license ensures that the curriculum remains accessible even amid staffing fluctuations. An additional license fee markup of 40% has been applied for Transferable License products.


★ On the other hand, our "Single User Non-Transferable License" is designed for individual use by one teacher only and is strictly non-transferable. It cannot be shared or passed on to other teachers. This license model is commonly purchased by teachers for their personal use, guaranteeing that each educator has their own license for accessing the curriculum. Please click this link if you are interested in the Single User Non-Transferable License version. 


 Purchase Orders Accepted!


Teen health at it's best! This resource includes programs for four different consecutive grade levels of Health. This Health program is designed for school districts who want a comprehensive middle through high school Health program; and also for the teacher who teaches Health to both middle and high school.

  • Assign Health worksheets in your Google™ Classroom or paperless environment using these student worksheets, surveys, tests, and handouts.
  • Includes links to student docs on Google Slides and Google Forms, and all High School PowerPoints on Google Slides!
  • 43 Google Forms: Editable and keys included.
  • Directions and video links on how to add your audio voice to Google Slides and how to use the Loom program to create lessons on video.
  • Here is a buyer review for my "Middle/Jr. High School Google Docs": "Just what I needed for virtual learning. Easy to use and students enjoyed the engagement."

The program license can be shared between 2 teachers: 1 Middle/Jr. High Teacher AND 1 High School Teacher; or it can be for one teacher whose teaching responsibilities include both middle and high school grade levels.

For Middle/Junior High School Health there are 180 lessons divided into 3 grade level programs, and is formatted into many different ready-to-teach programs AND 18 units; meeting your teaching needs whether you have 6th – 9th graders, or whether you teach Health for a quarter, trimester, or semester.

A 90-lesson program is also included for a full semester of High School Health.

This program will transform your Health program, and enable collaboration across schools in your district.

The program meets:

>> ALL 20 Common Core Standards
>> ALL 46 National Health Standard Indicators
>> Meets all Washington State, New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Florida and California’s rigorous Health Education Standards. Therefore, these standards will most likely translate to your state as well!

• This program includes lessons from both our #1 Best-Selling High School Health Curriculum, and our #1 Best-Selling Middle School program, both #1 sellers on this TeachersPayTeachers site!



Here is how this unique Sequential Health program works:


The 3 grade level middle/jr. high program is set up to meet the diverse teaching needs of middle/junior high school Health teachers.


1. TEACH BY FULL UNITS.  There are 60 Level 1, 60 Level 2, and 60 Level 3 lessons - divided into 18 units topics.






If you don't have 60 days to teach the 60 lessons included your grade level program, I have created 4 time-framed programs you can use!  And yes, that's 4 programs for EACH GRADE LEVEL!


This way, you don't have to decide which lessons to cut, or figure out how to add lessons to meet the days you teach! These are the 

4 program time frames:


- 6 Weeks

- 9 Weeks 

- 12 Weeks

- 18 Weeks


  • Sequential: Since scheduling can be hectic at the middle/junior high school level, this program is FLEXIBLE. As long as you use Level 1 with your youngest students, Level 2 with your middle age students, and Level 3 with your oldest students, this program will work for as many weeks as you teach your students.





  • Each 60-lesson program contains full step-by-step teacher PDF teacher directions, lessons, and documents, and a PDF PowerPoint presentation that walks you through the lesson for each of these teaching lines. (Editable versions of ALL lessons are included as well, should you want to change or add something.) I also included a "Student Docs Only" doc to save paper when printing.


  • Or, teach from complete units using the FULL 18 units included! (See below for unit details) PowerPoints are editable and original Teacher Directions and Documents are included in both Word and PDF formats.



1. The High School Health Program Includes 90 lessons formatted into 16 units for a semester of High School Health..


2. ALL lessons are editable and include step-by-step teacher directions that follow editable PowerPoint slides to walk you and your students through each lesson.





• This program is researched-based.


• The program meets all 15 “Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum” set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this curriculum you will find health goals and behavioral outcomes that are research-based and theory-driven.


• This is not just a unit outline. Highly organized step-by-step teacher directions follow daily PowerPoints and the directions tell you exactly to say!!


• This program was created by a National Board Certified Health teacher of 19 years.


• This is NOT your standard boring vocabulary words or bookwork!


Students love this program, and students who like what they're learning are more likely to choose to actually use what they learned outside the classroom.



Here's what buyers have to say about my current #1 BEST-SELLING Middle and High School Health Curriculums:


  • "You have created the best overall set of teaching lessons I have seen in 22 years of teaching! I don't need to "re-invent the wheel.""
  • "One of the best products I have invested in…well worth the price and then some."
  • "LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. So creative. So engaging. This is AWESOME.”
  • "Your products are so wonderful because they speak to all students in every class, subject, and grade. Thank you so much for all your hard work in helping teachers and students everywhere! :-)
  • "Students in a different teacher’s health class were requesting to move to mine after hearing about the lessons we were doing from their friends!
  • "You saved my life, I was bored to tears teaching Health. Now it's my favorite class!"



    Here is a QUICK LOOK at the units include in the Sequential Health Curriculum for Middle/Junior High: See a video of some of this program's "creative" art projects


    1. Beginning a School Year

    2. Stop Bullying: Empathy and Violence

    3 Diseases

    4. Mental Health

    5. Stress, Depression, and Suicide

    6. Tobacco

    7. Alcohol

    8. Conflict Resolution

    9. Drugs

    10. Nutrition

    11. Sex Ed.

    12. Self-Esteem

    13. Body Systems

    14. First Aid/CPR

    15. Environmental Health

    16. Community Health

    17. Celebrating Diversity

    18. Ending a Term


    = 180 LESSONS


    Here are more details about the Middle/Junior High Sequential Health program:


    "The middle school years are what scientists call a 'sensitive period' for social and emotional learning, when the brain is primed to learn from social cues.”* What a perfect time to teach healthy habits and smart choices! This curriculum will help your teens navigate the mental, social, and emotional changes during this time in life and thrive!


    -State, National, and Common Core Standards met are listed at the top of each lesson, and are also all listed in the main "Table of Contents" for easy reference!


    -"Learning Targets and "Daily Assessments" are also listed at the top of each lesson.


     ALSO NEW!: I just added a fun flip and fold interactive version of the "Student Packet Notes for all 3 grade levels! Students take notes from PowerPoint slides in all kinds of shapes and foldable cut-outs!


    -If you didn't click above, click here to see a fun video preview of these notes!




    1. Beginning a Term (12 Lessons)


    -60 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -197 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -First Week of School Kick-Off

    "Little Red Hen Class Theme"

    -"Why Do We Fall?" Art Project


    LEVEL 2:

    -“Learning Styles Survey #1”

    -"Interactive Learning Style Cubes"

    -Conversation Starters

    -Motivation Building

    -Animal Personality Survey

    -Interactive Door Hanger Project

    -"I Am Me" Poems

    -“All About Me Introduction


    LEVEL 3:

    -Favorite Quotes Postage Stamp Art

    -Give Out Syllabus

    -Our Purpose for Health Class

    -Class Theme

    -Creating File Folders

    -Who I am Makes a Difference!


    EXTRA: Organization to Begin a New School Year

    -262 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    24 Documents


    -“Class Syllabus”

    -Morning PowerPoints

    “Learning Targets

    -Learning Target Success Criteria Exit Sheet


    -Classroom File folders and crates

    -250 All New "Learning Target" posters

    -Teacher Evaluation Tips for the "Danielson" "5 Dimensions," and "Marzano" Frameworks


    2. Stop Bullying: Self-Esteem, Empathy and Violence (14 lessons)


    -47 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -120 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -Understanding Empathy

    -Interactive Empathy Treasure Chests"


    LEVEL 2:

    -Stop Bullying and Improving Self-Esteem Activities

    -How to Deal with Cyber Bullying

    -Personality Surveys


    LEVEL 3:

    -Bullying Role-Play Task Cards

    -“Anger Survey”

    -Anger Cartoons

    -Unit Test


    3. Diseases (9 lessons)


    -41 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -59 PowerPoint Presentation Slides to Walk you Through Each Lessons


    LEVEL 1:

    -Understanding the Pathogens that Cause Disease

    -“Disease and Prevention Chart”


    LEVEL 2:

    -Cancer Art Project

    "Selfie Get Well Cards"

    -Communicable Diseases

    -Communicable Diseases “Go Fish” Card Game


    LEVEL 3:

    -Top 4 Non-Communicable Diseases in the U.S. (Cause 88% of U.S. Deaths!)

    -Non-Communicable Diseases Activity

    -Non-Communicable Diseases “Kings in the Corner” Card Game


    CHOICE of LEVEL: Coronavirus Interactive Emoji Activity


    4. Mental Health (9 lessons)


    -54 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -47 PowerPoint 56 Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson

    -16 Documents


    LEVEL 1:

    -The 5 Dimensions of Health

    -Interactive Mental Health Road Signs Project


    LEVEL 2:

    -Multiple Intelligence's Survey

    -"You Choose Worksheet"

    -"I Am Me Worksheet"

    -Penguin Art


    LEVEL 3:

    -"Values Lesson"

    -Values Parent-Student Homework

    -Gandhi Interactive Poster

    -What's Your Biggest Regret Activity


    5. Stress, Depression, and Suicide (10 lessons)


    -58 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -124 PowerPoint Presentation Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -7 “Stress Busters!” Activities

    -Relieving Stress Trunks

    -Teen Sleep Posters

    -25 Scary Effects of Sleep Deprivation


    LEVEL 2:

    “Relieving Stress Tags”

    -Animal Stress Stories


    -Overcoming anxiety


    LEVEL 3:

    -Time Out, Work Out, Reach Out Card Games

    -"Black Dog Depression Activity

    -Students at Risk for Suicide

    -"Stress-Free BINGO Middle/Jr. High Version Test Review"

    -Unit Test


    6. Tobacco (10 lessons)


    -61 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -78 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -The Dangers of Cigarettes, Chew, e-cigarettes

    -Tobacco Facts Articles

    -Anti-Tobacco Poems/Songs


    LEVEL 2:

    -Tobacco Packs Media Literacy Art


    LEVEL 3:

    -Anti-Tobacco Puzzles

    -“The Brain and Habits” Lesson

    -Tobacco Newsletters


    7. Alcohol (7 lessons)


    -109 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -173 PowerPoint Presentation Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson

    -30 Documents


    LEVEL 1:

    -Debunking Alcohol Myths

    -Getting the Facts

    -Alcohol is not for me


    LEVEL 2:

    -Alcohol True-False Scavenger Hunt

    -Creating Board Games for Test Review

    -Unit Test


    LEVEL 3:

    -"How Alcohol Affects the Body Wheels Project”

    -Alcohol Dangers Audio Message

    -Refusal Skills-


    8. Conflict Resolution (12 lessons)


    -36 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -57 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -Being Assertive

    -Communication Rules and Flip Up Posters

    -Interactive "Fortune Cookie" Activity


    LEVEL 2:

    -Effective Communication

    -“I” Statements

    -How to kill shyness


    LEVEL 3:

    -Best Motivational Videos

    So QUIC” conflict resolution model to resolve conflicts

    -“Wallet Cards”


    9. Drugs (15 lessons)


    -63 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -104 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -Drug Classification Sheet


    -Stimulants Notes

    -“Why Teens Use Drugs Body Part Homework”

    -Stages of Addiction


    LEVEL 2:

    -Drug Progression Stories

    -“How Pot Hurt Me Card Game”

    -Drug Role-Plays

    -Anti-Drug Commercials

    -“Don’t Go Through That Door” Posters


    LEVEL 3::

    -Over the Counter Medication Dangers

    -Drug-Free BINGO Middle/Jr. High Version

    -Drug Message Repetition Art

    -Guest Speaker

    -Unit Test


    10. Nutrition (14 lessons)


    -75 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -133 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -The Best and Worst Foods Posters

    -Understanding Food Label Ingredients

    -Where is Your Health Survey and Activity


    LEVEL 2:

    -MyPlate Food Groups Guides

    -Vending Machine Savvy

    -“Think Your Drink Caffeine and Sugar Activity” (Energy Drink Dangers)

    -“Eat This or That? Activity”


    LEVEL 3:

    -Fat and Sugar Experiment

    -Food Label Scramble Activity ★NEW U.S.D.A. Food Labels!

    -The Many Benefits of Exercise

    -Nutrition Facts Card Games

    -Unit Test ★NEW U.S.D.A. Food Labels!


    11. Sex Ed. (14 lessons)


    -92 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -142 PowerPoint Presentations to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -Maintaining Friendships

    -4 Tips for a Better Friendship

    -Puberty is Normal Matching Game

    -Understanding Gender Issues

    -Dealing with Body Image

    -Dating and Dealing with Emotions

    -Puberty Parent-Student Communicator Homework


    LEVEL 2:

    -Healthy Versus Unhealthy Relationships

    -Healthy Relationships Posters

    -Puberty Swan Worksheet

    -Puberty BINGO!

    -Consequences of sex: STI/HIV and pregnancy

    -Optional Birth Control Lesson


    LEVEL 3:


    -Human Anatomy

    -Good Reasons for Abstinence

    -Understanding H.I.V. / A.I.D.S.

    -HIV True Stories

    -Optional Birth Control Handout

    -“Interactive Emotional Baggage Suitcase”

    -NEW! "What is Romance?" Project

    -Social Media Safety

    -Sexual Abuse, Dating Violence and Safety

    -Unit Test


    12. Self-Esteem (13 lessons)


    -40 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -64 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 1:

    -Self-Esteem Survey

    -What is Positive Self-Esteem?

    -Accept the Best, Change the Rest Survey

    “What Makes Me Me Worksheet”

    -Fun Personality Surveys

    -“Self-Esteem iPad” Project



    -Create a “Building Self-Esteem Class Book.”

    -“Thesaurus Traits Project”

    -“Self-Esteem Assessment


    LEVEL 3:

    -Thumbprint Project

    -Career Interest Survey

    -“Rise Above the Dream Breakers Project”

    -Assertiveness role-plays

    -“Self-Esteem Homework”

    -“We Are All Unique” vVideo and Worksheet

    -“Classroom Self-esteem Quilt”


    13. Body Systems (10 lessons)


    -76 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -42 PowerPoint Presentation Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson



    -Body Systems Worksheet now with QR Codes

    -Can You Do This Fun!

    -"Our Amazing Body Slideshow"

    -Virtual Body Website

    -Body Systems group project

    -Class presentations with grading rubric

    -Presentation Notes

    -Unit Tests


    14. First Aid (10 lessons)


    -42 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -31 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson


    LEVEL 2:

    -First Aid QR Coded Worksheet and Activity

    -Group Reenactment Project


    LEVEL 3:

    -Funny C.P.R. Video

    -CPR Worksheet

    -CPR Cards Alternative

    -How to use an A.E.D

    -NEW! Wilderness First Aid: Wrapping Sprains, and Making Splints and Slings


    15. Environmental Health (2 lessons)


    -11 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -22 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson



    -Understanding the 10 Top Environmental Issues

    -“10 Environmental Issues Worksheet” with Partner (reactions and solutions)

    -10 issues Group Activity

    -“What Can I Do Follow-Up Project” and Posters Around the Room


    16. Community Health (2 lessons)


    -5 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -4 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson



    -Six Key Ingredients to a Healthy Community”

    -Building an Ideal Cardboard City Model


    17. Cultural Diversity (4 lessons)


    -23 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -31 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson-5 Documents



    -Understanding the history and complexities of Racial Diversity

    -“Race Definitions and Quotes Handout”

    -“My Uniqueness Project”

    -Add an Ad Slogan to Your Project

    -Sharing “My Uniqueness Project”

    -Finish with “One Size Doesn’t Fit All” Worksheet


    18. Ending A School Year (2 Lessons)


    -27 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -22 PowerPoint Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson



    -“Semester in Review" PowerPoint


    -Teacher Evaluation

    -WWWWH Decision-Making

    -Final Test Review

    -“What I Learned in Health Class Board Game”

    -Final Health Term Assessment

    “Compliments Around the Room”



    Here is a QUICK LOOK at the units included in the Sequential Health Curriculum for High School:


    1. Beginning a School Year

    2. Nutrition

    3. Stress, Depression, and Suicide

    4. Tobacco

    5. Alcohol

    6. Drugs

    7. Conflict Resolution

    8. Diseases

    9. Stop Bullying: Empathy and Violence

    10. Dangerous Decisions

    11. Sex Ed.

    12. Mental Health

    13. Celebrating Diversity

    14. Community Health

    15 First Aid/CPR

    16. Ending A Semester

    *Self-Esteem Lessons are incorporated into other units


    = 90 LESSONS



    Here are more details about the Sequential High School Health:


    -State, National, and Common Core Standards met are listed at the top of each lesson, and are also all listed in the main "Table of Contents" for easy reference!


    -"Learning Targets," "Exit Tasks," and "Daily Assessments" are also listed at the top of each lesson.


    -Over 2,000 PowerPoints slides!


    -Over 100 links to FREE videos!


    Due to copyright violations, videos are not included in this purchase, but the curriculum includes over 100 FREE suggested titles and links. (Teens love visual learning.)


    -Unit tests, and final Health Class Assessment


    -300+ EDITABLE worksheets, tests, and handouts


    ★NEW!★ All student worksheets, surveys, handouts and tests editable for print and on GOOGLE DRIVE! POWERPOINTS ALSO NOW ON GOOGLE SLIDES!


    -EDITABLE Student Notes Packets to help keep students engaged


    -18+ homework assignments (Including 6 "Parent-teen Communicators")


    -Many fun surveys


    -Hundreds of "To Extend This Lesson" enrichment ideas. There are additional activities, worksheets, surveys, art projects, relevant websites, + more.


    -Divided by unit for easy reference and organization!


    -Unit "Table of Contents" Link to ALL daily unit lessons for quick navigation!





    - Click here is see an example unit!


    1. Stress, Depression, and Suicide (7 lessons)


    -94 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -"Stress Vulnerability Survey"

    -Tips to Relieve Stress

    -How Much Sleep Do Teens Need?

    -Clinical Depression and Bi-Polar Disorder

    -"Depression Around the Room" Activity

    -The Dangers of Cutting

    -Suicide- Why You Should Tell an Adult, and the Devastating Emotions it Causes

    -NEW! "Shutting the Door on Suicide" Program on Google Slides!

    -NEW! "Depression and Suicide Parent-Teen Communicator"

    -"Stress-Free BINGO Test Review"

    -Student Notes Packet

    -Unit Test


    2. Nutrition (14 lessons)


    -147 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -7 PowerPoint Presentations


    -Obesity in the U.S

    -Why Americans Are Overweight

    -Portion Sizes

    -Understanding Calories ★NEW U.S.D.A. Food Labels!

    -Understanding Fat and Trans Fat

    -“Fast Food Restaurant Posters”

    -Cholesterol Notes


    -Good and Bad Carbohydrates

    -Water Extra Credit Activity


    -Food Label Reading and Scavenger Hunt ★NEW U.S.D.A. Food Labels!

    -New USDA Food Label (As of June 2017 the FDA will extend compliance date)

    “Interactive Food Label” ★NEW U.S.D.A. Food Labels!

    -Fast Food

    -Are You Getting Your Vitamins?

    -The Importance of Breakfast

    -Mayo Clinic and MyPlate Food Groups Guides

    -Guess the Product Media Literacy Quiz

    -Is This Diet Healthy?

    -Models Without Their Make Up

    -Eating Disorders

    -The Benefits of Exercise

    -“MyFitnessPal” Activity

    -Nutrients and Formulas

    -Iron notes


    -Understanding Protein Needs

    -Protein Supplements



    -Sodium Facts

    -“Food Records”


    -Body Image

    -Love What's Good

    -NEW! Health Career Research


    -NEW! Food Label Quiz

    -Student Notes Packet

    -“Nutrition Unit Review Game"

    -Unit Test


    3. Sex Ed. (14 lessons)


    -154 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -3 PowerPoint Presentations


    -Puberty and Hygiene” Lessons


    -Female Anatomy and Issues

    -”Love Language Survey”

    -“Girl Talk Day”

    -Male Anatomy and Issues

    -Sexual Pressures Lines and Articles

    -“Sexual Pressures Flip Charts Project”

    -HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections

    -“H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. Quiz”

    -NEW! S.T.I. Slideshow with Full Teacher Script

    -Setting Sexual Limits

    -“Emotions That Can Come with Teen Sex

    -What is Means to Be Gender Fluid

    -NEW! Step-by-Step Abstinence Lesson

    -Birth Control

    -Healthy Versus Unhealthy Relationships

    -NEW! Sexual Abuse and the #MeToo Movement

    -Sexual Abuse, Dating Violence and Safety

    -“Sexuality Board Game”

    -“The Consequences of Teen Pregnancy”

    -Student Notes Packet

    -Unit Test


    4. Tobacco (5 lessons)


    -50 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    - 1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -The Dangers of eCigarettes, Chew, e-cigarettes

    -Cancer, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis

    -Cigar and Pipe Dangers

    -Second-Hand Smoke

    -Pregnant Smokers

    -$ Spent on Cigarettes

    -“Quit Brochures”

    -“Guess the Ad Appeals” and FUN ART Activity

    -“The Brain and Habits” Lesson

    -Marketing Psychology

    -Student Notes Packet

    -Unit Test


    5. Alcohol (7 lessons)


    -89 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -“Interactive Alcohol Poisoning” Activity


    -Dysfunctional Families

    -Drinking and Driving

    -Alcohol State Laws Activity

    -Ace Lesson-Overcoming Negative Childhood Experiences

    -Protective Factors Activity

    -Refusal Skills

    -“Pros and Cons Decision-Making Model Worksheet”

    -“Alcohol Role-Play Activity”

    -Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    -Student Notes Packet

    -Unit Test


    6. Drugs (10 lessons)


    -136 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -5 PowerPoint Presentations


    -“Risk Factors For Addiction” Quiz

    -Intervention Video with Video Review Sheet

    -Stimulants Notes

    -”Faces of Meth”

    -Meth Labs

    -Depressant Notes

    -Date Rape Drugs

    -Ecstasy and Depressants

    -”Drink Safety Tips” Activity

    -Hallucinogens Notes

    -“The Truth About Marijuana”

    -Amotivational Syndrome

    -“How Pot Hurt Me Card Game”

    -Gateway drugs

    -NEW! Marijuana Mural Project

    -NEW! Powerful video links on Marijuana

    -Narcotics Notes

    -”Pharm Party Activity”


    -"Naloxone" which can reverse an overdose!

    -Synthetic Drugs

    -Decision Making

    -Drug Role-Plays

    -”Substance Parent-Teen Communicator”

    -Student Notes Packet

    -Unit Test


    7. Conflict Resolution (3 lessons)


    -47 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -So QUIC” conflict resolution model to resolve conflicts

    -“Perception Activity”

    -“Questioning Skills Activity”

    -“I Statements”

    -“Awareness Test”

    -Practicing “SO QUIC” Conflict Resolution Model” (on paper and outloud)


    8. Diseases (2 lessons)


    -70 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation

    -9 Documents


    -Understanding Disease

    -Review with “Disease and Prevention Chart”

    -Cancer Information


    -Communicable Diseases

    -Non-Communicable Diseases Worksheet

    -Non-Communicable Diseases “Kings in the Corner” Card Game

    -Community Service Posters

    -Kahoot Unit Quiz

    -Coronavirus Interactive Emoji Activity


    9. Stop Bullying: Self-Esteem, Empathy and Violence (14 lessons)


    -155 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -2 PowerPoint Presentations


    -"Empathy Survey”

    -“Venn Diagrams”

    -“Surviving High School”

    -“Empathy Homework”

    -“Life Story Posters”

    -Stop Bullying and Self-Esteem Activities

    -Personality Surveys

    -Overcoming Hardships Articles

    -The Power of Words

    -Stereotypes, Prejudisms

    -Risk Factors for Violence

    -Growing a “Thicker Skin” (Being in Power of Your Reactions!)

    -Values Lesson and Parent Homework

    -Student Notes Packet

    -Unit Test


    10. Dangerous Decisions (1 to 4 lessons)


    -74 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -Students LOVE (and learn from) these true story articles on each of these topics:


    -High Speed Driving

    -Drinking Games and Binge Drinking

    -Taking Bets and Dares

    -Giving Out Info on the Internet

    -Cutting, Self-Mutilating

    -Water Safety

    -Homelessness and Running Away

    -Unhygienic Body Piercings

    -Messing Around with Guns

    -Shaken Baby Syndrome

    -The Choking Game


    -Using Drugs

    -Goofing Around on Cars or Trucks

    -The Dangers of Sun and Tanning Beds


    11. Beginning a School Year (2 Lessons)


    -51 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -2 PowerPoint Presentations


    -First Week of School Kick-Off

    -“Learning Styles Survey”

    -“Famous Failures Lesson”

    -“All About Me Introduction

    -Give Out Syllabus

    -Our Purpose for Health Class

    -Class Theme

    -Creating File Folders

    -”AIM Sheet”

    -”Anonymous Teen Survey”

    -“Ice-Breaker-Getting to Know Your Classmates Activity”


    EXTRA: Organization to Begin a New School Year


    -262 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    24 Documents


    -“Class Syllabus”

    -Morning PowerPoints

    “Learning Targets

    -Learning Target Success Criteria Exit Sheet


    -Classroom File folders and crates

    -250 All New "Learning Target" posters

    -Teacher Evaluation Tips for the "Danielson" "5 Dimensions," and "Marzano" Frameworks


    12. Mental Health (4 lessons)


    -47 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -2 PowerPoint Presentations With 77 Slides to Walk you Through Each Lesson

    -16 Documents


    -NEW! Problem-Solving Model

    -Understanding Mental Illness

    -Organic versus functional mental illnesses

    -The affects of neurotransmitters

    -Functional mental illnesses

    -“Panic Attacks”

    -Kahoot Interactive Unit Test”


    13. Cultural Diversity (3 lessons)


    -30 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation Slide


    -“I Am....” Exercise

    - Beverly D. Tatum’s “The Complexity of Identity: “Who Am I?”

    -True Stories of Prejudism, Racial Profiling, and Racism

    -True Stories that One Person CAN Make a Difference

    -Bryan Stevenson’s Video: ” From Slavery to Mass Incarceration” and Racial Profiling

    -Bryan Stevenson’s “Ted Talk”

    -The House That Racism Built

    -Ben and Jerry’s Ice-Cream/Black Lives Matter Art Project!!


    14. First Aid/CPR (2 lessons)


    -41 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -Reviewing First Aid QR Coded Worksheet

    Activity from the British Red Cross First Aid OR

    -NEW! American Red Cross First Aid Smartphone App with Worksheet



    15. Community Health (1 - 5 lessons)


    -25 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    - Different Ideas to Promote “Community Health“

    -Health or Fitness Careers

    -Family Health

    -Safe Home Environments


    16. Ending A School Year (2 Lessons)


    -36 Pages of Step-by-Step Teacher Directions

    -1 PowerPoint Presentation


    -“Semester in Review” PowerPoint


    -Teacher Evaluation

    -Final Test Review

    -“What I Learned in Health Class Board Game”

    -Final Health Term Assessment

    “Compliments Around the Room”



    Does Getting Evaluated Make you Nervous?


    Using my own curriculum for my 9th grade Health classes enabled me to get a perfect 32 out of 32 (Distinguished!) on my "5 Dimensions of Learning" teacher evaluation.


    I was also given a 96% "A" grade average on an anonymous survey from my 150 students at the end of the school year!!


    This program makes it happen.



    Here is another advantage:


    With purchase the High School Teacher is invited to become a member of my "Buyers Only - Best Health High School Teachers Facebook Group."


    This closed group of buyers is having an amazing time connecting with Health teachers who are all using the same curriculum!!


    We share ideas, lessons, videos, questions, curriculum, and more.


    You just can't put a value on this unique colleague connection!!





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    Thank you so much for previewing!!


    Health Education Today




    *  Professional Development Approved: Ask your school to purchase this curriculum for you!!

    *  School Purchase Orders Accepted: Simply follow the prompt for P.O.’s in your cart.




    Copyright © Health Education Today, Inc.  All rights reserved by the author. 

    Each purchase is for single use only and should not be shared with others. 

    The purchaser is granted permission to make duplicates for classroom use only. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the Internet are all strictly prohibited unless it is a password-protected student website. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    June W.

    Great product.

    Daniel G.

    Thank you! This has really helped me!

    Julie C.

    This resource has been a lifesaver! I moved to 8th and 9th grade health (after 21 years in 1st and 2nd grade) a week before school started with very few resources. This resource saved me so much time and helped to make my transition as smooth as possible.

    Thank you for this great review Julie! We appreciate it.

    Gina S.

    Wow! If you need a sequential curriculum for health this is it! I can't believe one person put ALL this together! This program is FULL of information including ways for you to stay organized, and it even provides you with syllabus ideas, class room management suggestions related to the curriculum, and a million other things to enhance your teaching. It's like health teacher in a box! Everything you need is laid out and broken down in a way that is accessible and easy to adopt right away. I am a nurse and I was asked to teach health this year. I was left a textbook from the 1900's and a "don't worry, you'll be fine". So, needless to say, for a nurse that is NOT educated as a teacher, my confidence tanked shortly after realizing how much work it would take to do a great job. This curriculum saved my life and I am actually excited to use the lessons and spend time with my kiddos. I think they will love all the activities and interactive lessons. I feel really lucky to have found it. Mrs. S is very responsive to questions as well. You won't regret it!

    Thank you so much for this great review! Keep in touch as the year goes on and let us know how your students like the program!