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Transferable License for Schools: 7th Health Middle /8th Jr. High Level 2
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TeacherPayTeachers #1 Best-Selling, students and teachers LOVE these Level 2 Middle or Jr. High Health lessons!
For over 10 years, our expert-designed curriculum has set the standard in Health and PE Education. Proven, up-to-date, and impactful, it remains the top choice for educators dedicated to elevating their programs.
This digital download product, is editable in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint for print and online on Google Drive.
Click here for a preview of this product.
★ We offer two types of licenses for Health Education Today: the "Transferable License" and the "Single User Non-Transferable License."
★ This "Transferable License" product is intended to be assigned to one teacher at a time, but it is transferable to accommodate yearly staff changes. In situations involving teacher turnover, extended leave, or other special cases, this license can be reassigned to another teacher. The flexibility of this license ensures that the curriculum remains accessible even amid staffing fluctuations. An additional license fee markup of 40% has been applied for Transferable License products.
★ On the other hand, our "Single User Non-Transferable License" is designed for individual use by one teacher only and is strictly non-transferable. It cannot be shared or passed on to other teachers. This license model is commonly purchased by teachers for their personal use, guaranteeing that each educator has their own license for accessing the curriculum. Please click this link if you are interested in the Single User Non-Transferable License version.
★ Purchase Orders Accepted!!
Students and teachers LOVE these 90 Level 2 Middle or Jr. High Health lessons!
Here is More About This Amazing Program:
- Low Prep- All units are in one folder
- Includes 4 Ready-to-Teach separate programs set up for 6, 9, 12, + 18 Week programs!
- Teacher directions follow PowerPoint slides to walk you through lessons
- FUN! I added a fun flip and fold interactive version of the "Student Packet Notes!" Students take notes from PowerPoint slides in all kinds of shapes and foldable cut-outs!
- ALL STUDENT DOCS uploaded onto Google Slides and Forms
- This program was created by a National Board Certified Health teacher with 19 years of experience teaching Health. Lessons are tried and tested!
- Low Prep!
- This resource includes many lessons that promote social and emotional learning (SEL).
- ★ Bullying Escape Room
- ★ Dangerous Decisions Unit!
- ★ Human Body Systems Unit!
- ★ Addiction Escape Room
- ★ Depression Escape Room
- ★ This is an editable “For Print” curriculum created in Word and PowerPoint, AND a digital resource for BOTH GOOGLE DRIVE and MICROSOFT OFFICE USERS!
- ★ Assign Health worksheets in your Google Classroom or paperless environment from Google Slides with fill-in text boxes. Also Includes Google Forms.
- ★ Don't teach for 90 days? No problem! - Use the 4 "Set Lessons in Weeks You Teach" programs (See more below about set 6, 9, 12, and 18-week programs.)
- ★ Includes a step-by-step instructional video I created to show you not only how to navigate my files and folders.
>> Integrated Skills Based, Content Based / Knowledge Based. The best of both worlds.
>> Meets all MS National Health Education Standards.
>> Meets all MS Technical Subjects Health Common Core Standards.
>> Meets all Washington State’s rigorous Health Education Standards.
Here's what buyers have to say about my "Level 2 Health Lessons”:
- "Just another PHENOMENAL product from one of my VERY FAVORITE sellers, Mrs. S's Health and PE! The kids LOVE these activities, as usual, with your products! Exactly what I needed for MS Health with varying abilities of students."
- "I loved the variety of material, the organization, and ease of use with my students! This resource has saved me hours of creating and editing!"
- "Thank you so much for creating this WONDERFUL health curriculum."
- "You have created such a user friendly curriculum, I am so thrilled!!!!"
- "This resource covers all of the required topics for this class in Florida...Excellent resource!!"
- "Amazing quality work. Worth every penny."
★ See a video to get a visual on these 4 ready to teach programs!
There are 4 different "Set Lessons in Weeks You Teach" programs that can be configured in so many possible teaching scenarios, it's likely to work for your teaching line. These 4 programs are each on 1 PDF!
This 90-Lesson program has lessons each on 1 PDF if you:
- a) Teach 7th Middle/8th Jr. High for 6 Weeks
- b) Teach 7th Middle/8th Jr. High for 9 Weeks
- c) Teach 7th Middle/8th Jr. High for 12 Weeks
- d) Teach 7th Middle/8th Jr. High for 18 Weeks
"PowerPoints" and "Docs to Print" are also ready to use or print each on 1 PDF!
★Watch a video of me talking about this program!
What a perfect time to teach healthy habits and smart choices! This curriculum will help your teens navigate the mental, social, and emotional changes during this time in life and thrive! The middle school years are also what scientists call a “sensitive period” for social and emotional learning, when the brain is primed to learn from social cues.
Here is a QUICK LOOK at the 17 units included:
1. Beginning a School Year
2. Stress, Depression, and Suicide
3. Mental Health
4. Diseases
5. Stop Bullying: Empathy and Violence
6. Tobacco
7. Alcohol
8. Drugs
9. Conflict Resolution
10. Self-Esteem
11. Nutrition
12.Sex Ed.
13. First Aid
14. Environmental Health
15. Community Health
16. Celebrating Diversity
17. Body Systems Unit
1. Beginning a Year Unit:
-“Famous Failures” THEME
-File Folders System
-“Anonymous Teen Survey”
-“I AM ME“ Poems
-“What’s Your Animal Personality” Survey
-Tips to Boost Confidence” Video
-Shy Girl on X Factor Video
-Door Hanger Art Project
EXTRA: Organization to Begin a New School Year
-“Class Syllabus”
-Morning PowerPoints
-Learning Target Success Criteria Exit Sheet
-"Learning Target" posters
-Teacher Evaluation Tips for the "Danielson" "5 Dimensions," and "Marzano" Frameworks
2. Stress, Depression, and Suicide Unit
-“Animal Stress Stories”
-“Depression: Black Dog Posters”
-“Traits of Depression Worksheet”
-Review of Stress, the Importance of Sleep, Resilience, and Depression
-Depression and Thoughts of Suicide
-Overcoming Depression and Anxiety
-“Life Without You” Worksheet
-Stress-Buster Coloring Homework
-NEW!! Stress, Depression and Suicide Escape Room!
-Shut the Door on Suicide Interactive Google Slides
3. Mental Health Unit
-"Values Lesson"
-Values Parent-Teen Homework
-Gandhi Interactive Poster
-What's Your Biggest Regret Activity
-Optional: Problem-Solving
4. Diseases Unit
-CANCER Information and Art Project
-Cancer Video
-“Family Medical History Homework”
-FUN!! “Communicable Diseases Card Game”
-“Non-Communicable Diseases Card Games”
5. Empathy/Violence/Stop Bullying Unit
-Showing Empathy in Dealing with Bullying
-Ways to Stop a Bully Video
-“Hand in Hand” Bullying
-NEW!! Bullying Escape Room!
-“Overcoming Hardships Inspiring Articles” activity
-Personality Survey
-Defining Violence
-True story articles
-Understanding anger
-"Anger Survey”
-Setting an anger goal
-Homework: Anger Cartoons
-Guest Speaker
6. Tobacco
-Dangers of Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco
-Tobacco Facts Articles and Puzzles
-Ad Appeals
-Marketing Psychology
-Tobacco Unit Quiz
-Tobacco Packs” Media Literacy Art Project”
-Supermarket Psychology
7. Alcohol Unit
-"De-Bunking Alcohol Myths
-Getting the Facts
-“Alcohol True/False Scavenger Hunt”
-Aces Lesson-Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences
-Protective Factors Activity
-“Pros and Cons Decision-Making Model Worksheet”
-“Alcohol Role-Play Activity” (Peer Pressure lines and Refusal Skills)
8. Drugs Unit
-”Faces of Meth”
-Stimulants Video
-Why Teens Use Drugs
-NEW!! Addiction Escape Room!
-Drug Classification Review
-“Marijuana True-False” Quiz
-“How Pot Hurt Me” Card Game
-"Pharm Party" Activity
-Decision Making
-Drug Role-Plays
-Synthetic Drugs and more on Heroin
-Stages of Drug Addiction
-“Drug Progression Story”
-"Substance Parent-Teen Communicator” Homework
9. Conflict Resolution Unit
-Communication Skills Activity
-“Are You an Effective Communicator Survey”
-Wallet Cards Project
-So Quic and Quiz
-“Communication Survey”
-Optional Unit Assessment
10. Self-Esteem Unit
-What is Self-Esteem
-Optional Thumbprint Art
-Slideshare presentation
-Self-Esteem Projects
-Self-Esteem Thesaurus Project
-"Accept The Best Survey"
-Motivating Quotes Homework
11. Nutrition Unit
-Intro to Nutrition
-MyPlate Activity
-Vending Machine Savvy and Food Label Reading
-Iron and Anemia
-Protein needs
-Protein supplements and Creatine
-Sodium Facts
-“Food Records”
-“Count Your Calcium Worksheet”
-“Think Your Drink Caffeine and Sugar Activity” (Energy Drink Dangers)
-“Are you Eating Healthy? Survey”
-How diet affects CANCER
-Cancer Warning Signs
-The Benefits of Exercise
-“Fitness” Activity
- “Analyzing Fad Diets Project” (“Is This Diet Healthy?”)
12. Sex Ed. Unit
-Sexuality Opt-Out” info
-Reproductive System Information
-Reproductive System Video
-“Puberty BINGO”
-Female and Male Anatomy
-“Inside Puberty” then Watch “Puberty for Boys and Girls”
-Sexual Pressure Lines and Articles
-“Sexual Pressures Flip Charts Project”
-Consequences of Sex - Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV and Pregnancy
-Dealing positively with gender identity
-Dating Videos – Dealing with Emotions!
-Benefits of Choosing Abstinence
-“Emotional Baggage” Activity
-Optional “Birth Control/Using a Condom” Handout and Worksheet
-Romance, and Love: “What is Love?”
-What is Romance?” Art Project
-Sex Ed. Test Review
-Sex Ed. Parent-Teen Communicator
-Sex Ed. Unit Test
-Guest Speaker
13. First Aid Unit
-First Aid QR Coded Worksheet and Activity
-Group Re-enactment Project
-C.P.R. Video and Worksheet
-How to use an A.E.D
-Creating a First Aid Kit
-Public Service Announcements
-First Aid Cartoons
-Unit Assessments
14. Environmental Health Unit
-Understanding the 10 Top Environmental Issues
-“10 Environmental Issues Worksheet” with Partner (reactions and solutions)
-10 issues Group Activity
-“What Can I Do Follow-Up Project”
-Environmental Protection Agency 8 Topics “All Hands Working Together Project”
-Environmental Harm
-“Workplace Hazard” Reports
-“Public Service Announcement” Posters or Video
15. Cultural Diversity Unit
-Understanding the History and Complexities of Racial Diversity
-“Race Definitions and Quotes Handout”
-“My Uniqueness Project”
-Add an “Ad Slogan”
-Sharing “My Uniqueness Project”
- Finish with “One Size Doesn’t Fit All” Worksheet
-Optional “Final Level 2 Health Test”
16. Optional Community Health Unit
-21 different Ideas to Promote “Community Health"
-Six Key Ingredients to a Healthy Community”
-Health or Fitness Careers
-Family Health
-Safe Home Environments
17. Optional Body Systems Unit
-"Can You Do This?" Fun!
-"Our Amazing Body Slideshow"
-Virtual Body
-8 Body Systems Worksheet with QR Codes
-Preparing and Giving Group Presentations:
-PowerPoint Group Presentations
-Optional Requirement: Body Systems Group Rap, Song or Poem
-Grading Rubrics Included!
-NEW!! Optional Body Systems Safari!
-Presentation Note Taking
-Preventative Medical Checkups for Teens
-Vaccinations and Reproductive Health Check Ups
-Unit Tests
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Health Education Today
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